- Good: Lets be honest, birthdays are good in that they make you feel a little more important for one day. Your self-worth is magnified. I've had a bunch of good birthdays. To me, the best ones are when we were young. Simple things were so much more important to us: like pool parties and sleepovers. Cd's, toys and just being around your close friends. I feel it's important for every young child to have a birthday party. I can't really explain why but it seems important. Most importantly,(and I haven't always done this) I thank the Lord for giving me life on my first birthday.
- Bad: I understand that I'm an adult now and when you have friends celebrating your birthday, there tends to be alcohol involved. I'm just as guilty as the next of getting really drunk on my birthday on my friends dime, but as I grow older(really as of yesterday) I realize that I don't need to get wasted to have a good birthday. It's kind of the norm now for friends to make sure that the birthday boy/girl get ridiculously drunk I get it in a way, but what is the outcome of it? I feel like I could have just as good of time without it. This next point I'm going to make may make some people mad. I do appreciate everyone sending me facebook wall posts on my birthday, but I do think it's just become protocol. Meaning: People just see that it's your birthday that day and they decide to say happy birthday. Sounds innocent, but on a social networking site, how do you know how genuine that wish is? Half the Happy Birthdays I got were from people I haven't spoken to in years.
- Funny: Lastly, and I'll never understand this but why do girls seem to have a birthday for a week? I remember once one of my sisters friends(in high school) had a dinner mid week, a party thursday, then a weekend getaway. I mean your birthday is only one day right ladies?
Link of the day: This is good
I won't get to revisit this topic for another year so I'm gonna enjoy it.
Thanks for reading,
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