Saturday, June 26, 2010


After watching the soccer game today between U.S. and Ghana, I couldn't help but think of doing a blog on hype.  What is hype?  Hype to me, is when there is alot of media or local buzz/interest about a fresh or new situation.  For instance:  You could say that there is a ton of hype about the World Cup right now or getting Iced!(I'm not sure what this means but I've seen a lot of tweets about it....someone please fill me in....not that I'm ever gonna buy Smirnoff Ice)  On to Good, Bad and Funny.
  1. Good: Obviously, hype helps get the message out about things that we all want to know.  For instance, when news breaks and it has something to do with National Security then I want to know what's going on.  Or if there is a major tornado in the area I'm in, I want to know about it.  With today's media, you can find out when stuff happens much quicker than you used to could.  Also, the hype I love is before a big athletic event.  Specifically the promotional video right before the game starts, check the link of the day for more on this.
  2. Bad: I personally am not a fan of hype.  The words "blown out of proportion" come into my head immediately pop in my head when I hear national news about something obscene.  Example: When Michael Jackson passed away(I swear news channels talked about this for months.), or the smear campaigns that both of the past presidential candidates ran(what a joke).  The reason people believe a lot of the stuff they hear in the media or through word of mouth,  is because they want the approval of the person that said it or the approval of their friends.  Most try to make an opinion that they hear on the news sound like it's there opinion so that they look smarter on the topic, thus attempting to gain respect from their peers...what a joke.  Also, people leave Tim Tebow alone.  I don't see how someone can not like this guy.  No matter what he does, he has tons of critics.  But to me, all he has done is excel at the thing he loves the most and that is football and proven that he is very strong in his faith.  I think the reason people don't like him is because he's always interviewed.  If you people are looking for someone to blame, blame the guy holding the microphone, not the one talking into it.
  3. Funny: I love watching people put themselves in the middle of hype.  For instance, if two people are fighting after school, there will always be a few guys that have the low down on why and who won and what not.  Also the hype before a basketball game is hilarious.  I love how there is always one section outcrunking everyone else in the gym or arena.
Link of the day: Click Here, Or here or herefor all  your hype up needs.  2 is my favorite but I'm biased.
Thanks for reading


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