Saturday, June 19, 2010

"I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale"

I'm really enjoying this weekend.  Our baseball team is doing very good and I'm having a good time spending time with my oldest sister and my brolaw(term he coined last night....that I know of).  After racking my brain for a blog topic today, I just decided, why not do my blog on the City of Memphis.  On to Good, Bad and Funny.
  1. Good: I like any place that is pretty passionate about their sports.  While the Grizzlies aren't very good, they're close to it.  The Redbirds are good, and they have the nicest minor league baseball park in the country.  There will always be places that have delicious food in any big city, and Memphis is no different.  This city has excellent barbeque and, probably, my favorite place to eat ever, has a restaurant in Memphis: Texas De Brazil(Don't ever take a date here, it's like 50 a person, but so worth it if you don't mind buying Pepto Bismol in bulk for a week..  Beale Street is like no other.(I've had one of my top 3 forgettable nights/moments in Pat O'Briens Bar.) 
  2. Bad: Ummmm....I hate to put anyone's hometown down, so I'll just say that I'm cautiously optimistic when I'm in Memphis.  Thanks to 3-6 mafia, people not from here, see Memphis as the place where you don't start anything.  While I don't think it's smart to start jawing with anyone anywhere, Memphis does seem like its on another level.  I mean, yesterday my sister referred to the Mall of Memphis as the Mall of Murder and a cop stopped me to say that I almost hit him when I clearly was sitting on idle.  His exact words: "Did you not f****** see me? You almost hit me.  Watch where the f*** your'e going."  My reaction: "Sorry officer"(In prepubescent voice).  Also, this town is the exact opposite of easy on the eyes.  No one seems to take pride in making their streets clean.
  3. Funny: I find it kinda funny how people(myself sometimes) overeact to how dangerous neighborhoods are in Memphis.  For instance: I've had a guy tell me before. "Don't ever look anywhere but right in front of you if you are driving on South Lamar.  You'll get shot."  Because I'm a big head nod guy while driving, I brushed this comment to the side and said "whatever man".  I also think it's funny how many foreigners still think the world of Elvis.  I don't actually know how bad it is here, but in Tupelo the Swedish people that come for Elvis fest think it's like touring the Parthenon when they are at his small house he was born into.  I can't imagine how bad it gets at Graceland.
Link of the Day:  Because I put a really cheesy title and am in a cheesy mood

Thanks for reading

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