Saturday, July 3, 2010

I won't tell anyone

Ok now that the late blog is done, I'll start this one as z's start to circle my head.  Due to some of the crazy stuff I have heard people say in the past month regarding everything around me...literally...I'm doing the tonight's second blog on secrets.  On to Good, Bad and Funny
  1. Good: In my opinion there are not many good things about secrets.  But just to think of one, it's not the end of the world if you keep it between you and your dad/sibling that your mother's turkey and dressing isn't that good.(My mom's gonna make me pay for that one.)  
  2. Bad: Secrets make you bottle up something that you want to tell someone but only because you think someone else needs to know.  I'm not perfect by any means and I have some secrets but I'm willing to tell anyone anything about myself because I don't like to carry a burden around with me.  If you make yourself look like you've got something to hide then you probably do.  I don't ever want anyone to think I'm not telling them everything or not being as true as I can.  Another thing that is bad about secrets, is that secrets turn into rumors...and rumors turn into well you know...lies.  Lastly, I think the more secrets you have the more wrong you've done or you just simply can't stand your own life so you have to keep up with someone elses by holding their secrets.
  3. Funny: I think it's funny when someone walks up to a single person or a crowd and says "I'll tell you a secret if you won't tell anyone"  You can tell by someone's reactions whether they are going to tell or not.  The guy that is like "Dude, I swear I won't tell" is usually the one that will be the first to call his best buddy and tell them.  Stay away from this guy.
Link of the day: It's on my playlist and i like it...just give me a break I'm tired and it works for this blog entry
Thanks for reading,

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