Monday, July 12, 2010

It's too late to Apologize, it's too laaaaaaaaate

Putting my hands back on this keyboard for the first time in 6 days feels like learning to ride a bike again.  That's right 6 days.  When I logged into my blogsite, I saw that the last blog I did was on struggles.  Well it's obviously a no brainer that I have struggled to blog everyday.  I promised that I would do that in the beginning and for that I apologize to my readers and most importantly to myself.  By no means do I think any of you hang on to every word of my blog and I don't expect you to.  However, it is important to me.  Like I've said before, it gives me routine and structure.  With all that being said, I'm doing today's blog on apologies.  Not exactly the most cosmopolitan topic but I've thought about it all morning and think I can conjure up some ideas on it.  On to Good, Bad and Funny.
  1. Good: If no one ever apologized, we'd all be considered mean.  I think the best type of apology is when it comes unexpectedly.  I could be really mad at someone and have not talked to them for a while.  If they came up and said "Man, I'm truly sorry for what I did and I just wanted you to know that." then I would forgive them 99% of the time.  I still might not like whatever they did to upset me or like the person in general, but I'll definitely have respect for them.
  2. Bad: Just an opinion here, but if someone has to tell you sorry all the time, then I think they probably do not care about you.  For instance: If you tell someone you don't like it when they leave your bedroom dirty, then you expect them to clean up after themselves.  However, if they consistently have to apologize for not doing it then they are probably spoiled and selfish.  This hasn't happened recently to me, just using it as an example.  Just another side note here, I don't really like it when someone overapologizes.  At least over small stuff like dropping change that you hand them.  It almost seems like they are really being overly nice.
  3. Funny:  Remember when we were kids and our parents made us apologize for something we did and we did it half-heartedly with angry tones in our voices or where you could barely hear it?  I still see adults do it all the time.  Pretty funny when you see it as a bystander and it doesn't affect you.  Your thinking "Wow that guy really needs to grow up"
Link of the day: Some quotes on being sorry

Hopefully I'm back on track with blogging folks.
Thanks for reading,

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