Saturday, May 8, 2010


Today's blog is coming very late.  I almost forgot to do it.  Had a great time today with ya boy J.Koon at Gum Tree festival and the ICC baseball game.  Saw many old friends.  We ate like kings today: Corndogs, funnel cakes(with strawberries), papa v's, kyotos.(So good I almost blogged about food today but I'll save that for another day)  Planning on going out tonight so I'll cut it straight to good, bad and funny.
  1. Good: A good thing about a festival is you get to see so many people you haven't in forever.  Saw some folks I did and didn't want to run into but I had my nice cap on regardless.  Another good thing is there is usually a morning 5 or 10k. (Mad Props to Tupelo's Robert Scribner for almost beating Usain Bolt's cousin (j/k) for first place today)  Weird that I'm writing about it because you couldn't pay me to get up at 7 and run 6 miles.(Well you could probably pay me, I might run next year.)  Got to see my boy Saylors and his newly trimmed father finish and rooted them on. (Proud of you buddy)  The best thing about the festival is the food you rarely get to eat.(I mean who sells funnel cakes and fried oreo balls at restaurants these days, dollar to the first one to answer that question)
  2. Bad: Theres a couple of bad things about a festival.  Why do Kenyans always win American races?(Not just africans, just Kenyans specifically)  Do they fly up from there or live here?  I also don't appreciate the guys who are chatting it up with their buddies up until the finish line approaches and they all the sudden turn on the jets and beat their gassed and tired race partner?  If I'm the guy that get's left in the dust when this happens, I'd approach and be like "Dude, really? Congrats on 273rd place jerk.  Could we not just cross together at a mutual pace?"  Another thing that sucks is usually vendors are always like, "Hey man, I'll give you a good deal on this sculpture of a swan made of liscense plates.  I'll knock off 200 and give it to you for 199$ straight up." ( I'm sitting there thinking "He knows I'm not gonna buy that.  Why not approach the guy that looks like Colonel Sanders behind me that already has two oil prints of Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg?"
  3. Funny: Theres always a guy at festivals whose daughter is performing with her ballet class sitting there smoking a cigarette thinking, "man I wonder what Tiger shot today, please get me out of this hellhole."(Word of advice man: Support your daughter, she'll appreciate it and might not rebel against your will in her teen years.  Well you should do it anyway because that's what good fathers do.)
Had a great time today and will be back next year.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's mothers day special blog.(Probably gonna get emotional)
Thanks for reading

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