Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Todays Blog: Dreams.  When I woke up this morning, I was groggy and noticed that my mom had not come to wake me up and it was a little before 9.  I went downstairs, let the dogs out to potty, got the paper and read it on the side porch.  My mom finally came out and told me she felt awful.  She found a tick on her forehead minutes later and started feeling really sick.(For a second she thought it might be lyme disease or rocky mountain spotted fever..I know farfetched and the latter is a mouthful)  So I took care of her for a while then went to the wellness center.  She had taken a full nap by the time I got back.  I woke her up and asked her if she needed anything.  Instead of asking me for anything, she began to tell me the most bizarre dream that she just had.(Ask me about it sometime because its way to long to tell in a blog...some of you might have been in it)  This gave me the idea to blog about dreams today.  I wish I had one every night but I don't.  I don't know what you need to do in order to have a dream, but I would definitely take action if someone found the true cause.(Weird sidenote: I've been told that you only dream from somewhere between 10-30 minutes before you wake up.(I don't know if thats true or not but its strange thinking about it because you feel like you've been dreaming for hours.) When I think of dreams I think of 2 things: What you think about when your sleeping and What you hope to happen with your life.  We all have them when we are awake and only sometimes when we're asleep.  It's kind of weird how these 2 interpretations intersect with each other.  For example: Have you ever had a dream while sleeping of something that you hoped happened or will happen in real life?(thats deep right there) On to Good, Bad and Funny.
  1. Good: As far as awake dreams go, I think they are things that are essential to us.  They are like goals.  They help keep you sharp and focused throughout your life.  My personal dreams are simple: to be a successful teacher and coach, and a good husband,father and friend.  Not exactly world changing to many but to me I can say I've died happy if I've done these things.  The best thing about a dream when your asleep is when you wake up feeling good about whatever it is you dreamed it really happened.  A warm, fuzzy feeling comes over you.(Until you put your feet on the ground beside your bed and realize that you have gout....actually this only happens to me and 40+ year old men)
  2. Bad:  Sometimes sleeping dreams are awful.  You dream that you are dying or something really bad happens.  I don't have many of these but I've woken up in a cold sweat before.  For instance: One time I had this dream where this guy was following me everywhere I went(I was in Australia).  I'd see him outside my house at night, at work etc... whenever I saw him, he was always crying.  Finally I saw him one day and slammed him to the ground and asked him why he was following me.  He then said that my family had been kidnapped and given one week to live and I had to travel the world to find them before they were killed.(This really creeped me out and I don't know how I thought about it)  I woke up only to realize it was not real but it really freaked me out.
  3. Funny:  I've had plenty of funny dreams before.  I think when you take advil or a sleeping medicine(like Ambien better get really still if you take one of these...otherwise you'll get looney and talk about the most random stuff) before you go to bed, that there is something in there that causes you to have weird dreams.(Just my theory)  I've dreamed before about being a gymnast, talking to my dog and even being myself but in another persons body.  I always try to remember the details as soon as I wake up so I can tell somebody.
Link of the Day:  This was really cool to me...I really want to try it now
Thanks for reading...I really hope I get the chance to blog tomorrow but I'll be at pickwick lake so stay tuned..Will the every day blog streak continue?


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