Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Chick Flick

I have had a pretty busy day so I haven't really had to sit down to write a blog.  As a matter of fact, I couldn't even think of a topic until about an hour ago.  Me and Bean picked up my sister and his girlfriend from the movie theater at about 9:30, there choice of movie: Sex and the City 2.  I figured since they wouldn't shut up about this movie on the way home that that's what I'd do today's blog on.(Bean and I were fresh off of a good ole fashion basketball drubbing at the New Providence Church in Tupelo...so we were in a crummy mood but not too bad...they were simply better than we were.)  I'm probably going to try to do movie blogs for the rest of the week unless something else pops up.  On to Good, Bad and Funny
Chick Flicks(or for girls Romance movies)
  1. Good: As weird as it sounds, I happen to like some of these movies(I have Definitely Maybe, Love Actually, 500 Days of Summer, Sweet Home Alabama and a few more in my personal collection....Feel free to suggest more to me)  Its obviously better watching these movies with a female counterpart, but on occasion I might watch one of them.  A good thing that you can get from watching these movies is how good and bad relationships work(however, hardly anything happens like it does in the movies....I mean come on, girls can't expect us to act like Pat Swayze's character in Dirty Dancing)
  2. Bad: Some of these movies are just plain dumb.  There is always a working class girl and an upper class guy and it happens to work out at the end.  There are so many tired story lines that some of these movies continue to mimic.  For instance: I just recently saw the Ugly Truth and to me it just played right into the she's good at her career and falls for the rough and rugged guy but finds out he has a softer side.  Theres only so many of these that are not cliche.  Also like I said earlier, a lot of chick flicks paint these pictures of perfect guys that hardly any of us can live up to.(I mean most of us are never gonna wake up and look like this or have the charm of this guy.)
  3. Funny: There are a lot of chick flicks that you could probably label as romance comedies.(I like to call them bromance-comedies) I love movies like I Love You Man, Knocked Up and Forgetting Sarah Marshall because they offer enough no-holds-barred comedy but also provide a happy ending that guys and girls both can enjoy.
Link of the Day: Just on the general movie theme. You should check out this site and this site.  They both allow you to look at new trailers of movies and see what actors are appearing in movies in months and years to come.
Thanks for reading folks

1 comment:

  1. You need to add the newest release of Pride and Prejudice and Little Women to your repertoire.
